Enhancing Creativity

Get your creative juices flowing with fun creativity exercises - select from a variety of ideas to explore on your own, bring some friends and interact in a group, or meet some new friends. Open your mind, get in touch with your creative side, and take it with you to the other Artsfest events

Artist Jeff Stevenson is currently creating mixed media book work pieces that are made up of oil portraits on canvas, acrylic on altered books, collaged imagery with a wax technique, and images painted over the wax with oil paint. These pieces explore cultural issues of sexuality, masculinity, race, gender, and humor among other issues. Although the social commentary is an important aspect of these works, there is also plenty of room for interpretation and reflection on the part of the viewer. Because the works are created using an intuitive approach, aspects evolve that might not have been planned. As a result, there is a freshness to them, often an epic scale, and bits of humor thrown in for good measure. Examples of this recent work, and more, can be seen at his website.
Cafe Annex: 12:00 - 1:00

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